About the show
Woodhall Spa has had a traditional Agricultural show for many years which sadly fell victim to the Foot and Mouth epidemic in 2000 and was unable to continue in its original format.
In 2005 a group of enthusiasts from a range of countryside interests came together explore the possibility of resurrecting the show and an initial meeting a comitteee was formed and plans laid to hold a show in the following year.
The trophies from the previous show were held by the Woodhall Spa Cottage Museum who very kindly allowed to be loaned by the current organisers and so along with a few new one there are trophies to be won in every section of the event.
The new show was a great success from the startand with the experience gained from the 2006 show an event has been held every year until 2019 on the third Sunday of May.
Surplus profits from the show have been donated to local charities and organisations well as a bursary award aimed at benefitting young people in the locality who are in some way active in rural endeavours. Unfortunately due to Covid restrictions both the 2020 and 2021 shows had to be cancelled, so this year the team at Woodhall Spa Country Show are planning for a return on Sunday 22nd May.
The organisers look forward to support from exhibitors and visitors alike.